Research on Offender Programs and Promising Practices

In case you missed it,  the story linked below includes excellent data on the importance of investing in community-based programs for offenders.

In remarks from June 2018, NIJ Director David B. Muhlhausen emphasizes both the importance of Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT) and continuing to improve results. He references several studies from the past 10 years or so.

Here is the link to the article.

Three useful takeaways:

  1. Reentry programs that reduce recidivism are more important than ever.  The federal government has invested more than $1 billion in these over the past ten years and has committed another billion over the next ten years.
  2. Program content and delivery should continually improve.  Early programs that support this initiative show some positive results, but not enough.
  3. Programs must track and report results as objectively and scientifically as possible.  This takes time but is essential to have the greatest long-term positive impact on the professional community.

Read about a current Randomized Control Trial for a Day Reporting Center program designed to reduce recidivism in this research brief completed by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, in February 2019.