A Trusted Partner of Community Corrections, Courts and Law Enforcement Since 1993

About Sentinel Offender Services

Since 1993, Sentinel Offender Services has provided offender management solutions to community corrections agencies across the U.S.. Sentinel offers one of the most comprehensive sets of products and services in the industry. All of our solutions are built on the foundation of SentinelDNA, the intelligent offender management platform with advanced analytics.

Sentinel pioneered the community-based offender-funded program model. Program fees are paid by offenders, saving taxpayers millions of dollars.  How does this work? At the time of enrollment, Sentinel staff conducts a detailed financial assessment. The results of that assessment establish a suitable daily program fee. Each participant pays according to the supervising agency’s approved fee schedule and the participant’s ability to pay. This payment structure is available for all the services we offer.

Community-based offender-funded programs operate with oversight from local corrections and law enforcement staff. They strictly follow all applicable laws, rules, and guidelines. Most importantly, the community-based offender-funded programs save money.

Services Limitation

Sentinel Offender Services does not have the power, authority or responsibility to enforce laws and execute warrants. The government agencies with which we contract have the power, authority, and responsibility for these items.

Sentinel contracts with court systems and other agencies to collects fees, fines or restitution amounts on their behalf.  Any fees collected are passed directly to the contracted party following agreed upon protocol.  As a private services provider to courts, community corrections agencies and law enforcement, Sentinel Offender Services can only carry out agreed upon contractual obligations on behalf of the customers we serve.

Sentinel does not:
  • Issue warrants, citations or fines of any kind;

  • Have the power to arrest or incarcerate any individual;

  • Have capacity, responsibility or authority to enforce laws, penal codes, acts of legislation, court orders or issued warrants;

  • Act as an officer of the court

  • Reflect or represent any political affiliation

Customer-centric, Energetic and Innovative

Consistent Leadership

Robert Contestabile is the Founder and Board Chairman of Sentinel Offender Services and continues to provide vision and passion for the company he started in 1993.

Experienced Management Team

Sentinel’s senior leadership team offers more than 200 years of combined industry experience. This is a rarity in an industry that simply didn’t exist 30 years ago. That amount of experience gives Sentinel a significant advantage when it comes to addressing the complex problems facing the criminal justice system.

24/7/365 National Monitoring Center

Sentinel provides customers with live support 24/7/365 in our state-of-the-art National Monitoring Center located in Anaheim, California.

Original Equipment Manufacturer

Sentinel manufactures its own products and continually improves products based on customer feedback and market demands.

Criminal Justice Industry Leader

With customer experience across the US, Sentinel is a leader in comprehensive community-based offender management solutions. We support all levels of courts, law enforcement, and community corrections agencies. No vendor offers a wider or more flexible set of offender management solutions.  Products and services include GPS and RF electonic monitoringremote alcohol testingsubstance abuse screeningdomestic violence victim monitoringcognitive skills training and full-service offender management.

All products are backed by our industry leading National Monitoring Center and integrated into SentinelDNA, the intelligent offender management platform.