Agency-Based Programs
In this case, the agency takes on the responsibility of directly paying for chosen Sentinel hardware and software monitoring, supervision, case management, alcohol, and substance abuse testing, and behavioral modification training and support services.

Offender-Funded Programs
Sentinel is a leader in the development of offender-funded programs. Each participant pays a fair and equitable fee based on their individual financial profile. This allows the participant to live and work in the community at a fair price.
Subsidized Programs
Subsidized programs create a hybrid solution to the funding challenge. The agency pays some or all of the fees for those who cannot afford fees associated with their supervision. Those who can pay are billed based on their personal fincancial resources, in accordance with the same sliding income scale used in the offender-funded model.
Does your agency require a local service office with qualified and experienced technicians and case managers? Sentinel offers several full-service, cost-effective options.
An agency may not have the expertise or human or fiscal resources necessary to maintain their own fully-functioning offender supervision program. Sentinel offers cost-effective solutions that are scalable to meet their needs. We serve hundreds of corrections agencies across the country.
Significant evidence supports the effectiveness of behavioral modification to address criminogenic need. Sentinel offers Cognitive Skills Programs that seek to reduce recidivism by increasing moral reasoning.